
About The Bloggy Awards

Hello, this is the official page for the Bloggy Awards.
The purpose of the Bloggy Awards is to spread blogger love and recognize some of the most amazing blogs out there. Starting in July, we will begin to take nominations for the blogs that you want to see in each of the categories (coming soon)

To nominate your favorite blogs, simply email in your nominations to and you can nominate up to THREE blogs per category. For simplicity's sake, please format your email as so:
Category Name
Blog Title (link)
Blog Title (link)
Blog Title (link)
This is essentially what we're looking for. You may nominate up to only three blogs, but you can nominate three blogs for all the categories if you choose to do so. Please keep in mind that the point of the Bloggy Awards is to spread love so try to refrain from nominating the same blogs for EVERY category. We want to have a diversity of blogs and choices, so please make sure you weigh your decision carefully before making a final decision as to who you want to nominate for the categories.

Also, if you have any unofficial inquiries about the Bloggy Awards, please tweet us at @TheBloggyAwards.

Currently, the winners of each category of the Bloggy Award will not be able to receive any prizes, except possibly a web button with the award you have won on the button for bragging rights and as a memento. If authors choose to get involved we could also mail out swag and hopefully books, but as of now, we just want to spread the blogger love and not focus on the prizes.

More information will be coming soon, and a list of nominees and categories will be available shortly.

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