For the Best Meme category, we asked for how many people on average sign up every time it's hosted, the inspiration for the meme, and a little behind the meme.
Dirty Little Secret

- Amount of people participating on average every week - 200
- Inspiration behind the meme / A little about the meme - Stacking The Shelves is all about your love of reading and sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! STS isn't the first weekly haul meme out there, but I wanted something casual and without restrictions. Adult and YA, book buyers, borrowers, e-readers and all genre are welcome in! If you'd like more information, I suggest you visit the launch post :
TGIF at GReads is a weekly feature every Friday to present a bookish question to my followers and also re-cap the week's posts. Friday is my favorite day of the week because it means the weekend is just around the corner! I wanted a place to celebrate this and to find out more about a blogger's reading tastes other than what they present in a book review. This was my reason for starting TGIF. In a year and a half it has evolved into a weekly event that's been a lot of fun throwing out random questions and seeing everyone's different responses to them. I have had the pleasure of "meeting" a lot of new blogs this way, too.
Top Ten Tuesday
Follow Friday

- Amount of people participating on average every week - 200
- Inspiration behind the meme - The meme was started in conjuction with the Book Blogging 101 Feature. I was constantly asked - How do I get more followers? I had noticed that in other blog groups (especially the Mommy Bloggers - don’t cringe) they had these social memes. Might as well implement our own right?
- A little about the meme: The meme was started 110 weeks ago, more than two years ago to be more precise. It was formed to 1) spotlight a new blogger and introduce them to the bloggoverse and 2) have an outlet for bloggers to get away with asking for a “follow-back”. More than a year ago, the popularity of the post and the influx of bloggers that would like to be featured increased so much that Alison of joined up with to also feature a blogger. The new format has been very successful and is now a staple of Fridays in the book blogger community. We even get hate mail every now and again because too many people do the posts ;)
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